
Hello, my name is Yvonne Quirk.  I was a 30-year atheist who came to love Jesus.  Jesus plucked me out of the self-made wilderness that was my search to find meaning and healing, even though I thought I was doing fine.  My wilderness experience unfolded through my horse journey – the dream of my heart – and became my faith walk.

Starting this blog about my faith walk has proven difficult, despite my love of writing.  After all, who am I to share anything about God?  I am not a Biblical scholar or a pastor or an expert in anything.  As stated above, I am a woman who spent most of her adult life denying the existence of God and being her own god.

Nevertheless, God revealed His love for me.  I had many misconceptions about God as an atheist, and I am sure I still have misconceptions about Him as a Christian.  Yes, I believe in God and love Him, but I will not pretend to fully understand Him.  How do I understand a God who loves me so much that He left the faithful (however briefly) to rescue an atheist who disdained Him?  That is the reason for the blog’s name: Leaving the Ninety-Nine.

I believe God speaks to each of us through the everyday – in the way that we are most likely to hear.  I believe He just wants to be with us, and for us to be with Him.  This blog shares how He spoke to me and how He continues to speak to me.  This is not a chronology of my faith walk, but a collage of word pictures of my beloved God.